Oil on wood, 30 x 20 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on canvas, 41 x 33 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on wood, 30 x 20 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on canvas, 33 x 24 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on canvas, 33 x 22 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on linen, 35 x 27 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on linen, 27 x 22 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on canvas board, 22 x 16 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on linen, 24 x 19 cm<br>
Private collection
Oil on linen, 30 x 23,7 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on linen, 61 x 46 cm
Oil on linen, 27 x 19 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on linen, 24 x 19 cm<br>
Private collection
Oil on linen, 125 x 70 cm
Oil on canvas, 27 x 19 cm<br>
Private collection
Oil on canvas, 73 x 60 cm<br>Private collection
Oil on canvas, 46 x 33 cm
Oil on linen, 41 x 33 cm <br>Private collection
Oil on canvas, 27 x 19 cm<br>
Private collection
Oil on linen, 32 x 25 cm <br>Private collection


1976 年トリノ生まれ。アルベルティナ美術大学を 2002 年に卒業。
ロンドンのNational Portrait Gallery British Portrait Award ファイナリスト、 第 54 回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレでは Lo Stato dell’Arte への出展アーティストとして選ばれるなど国際的な評価も高いアーティスト。現在はフランスのトロワに移住し、肖像画家として活動しています。

ルネッサンスの巨匠からマンチーニ、ヴァトー、サージェント、フリードリッヒ、ハマスホイなど、マディアが敬愛する西洋画家は数多くいます。彼らの技法や色遣い、表現方法を熱心に研究し、クラッシックな画風でありながら独自の雰囲気のある肖像画を描きます。2018 年頃からはメランコリアをテーマに19 世紀ロマン派の美学や古典絵画にインスパイアされた作品の制作を始め、Dans le bois de Watteau (ヴァトーの森の中で)Hommage à L.V.D. (レオナルド・ダヴィンチへのオマージュ)などの古典絵画へのオマージュが込められた作品は、翌年開催された東京での初の個展Melancholiaで発表されました。西洋美術史だけでなく、文学、演劇、神話や映画 などマディアの興味の範囲はとても広く、作品にも反映されています。目では見えない内面を捉える為に自身の息子など、常に身近な人物をモデルにしています。彼らは古いコスチュームを纏った姿で描かれ、時が止まったような世界に静かに佇み、肖像画でありながら記憶の断片を見ているようなノスタルジックな 感覚を呼び起こします。


Born in Turin in 1976. Graduated from the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in 2002.

She was a finalist for the British Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery in London and was selected to exhibit her work in Lo Stato dell’Arte at the 54th Venice Biennale. She is an internationally recognized artist. She currently lives in Troyes, France, where she works as a portrait painter.

From the Renaissance masters to Mancini, Watteau, Sargent, Friedrich and Hammershoi, Madia admires many Western painters. She has studied their techniques, color and expression with great enthusiasm and paints portraits in a classical style but with a unique atmosphere.

Around 2018, she began to produce works inspired by the 19th century Romantic aesthetic and classical painting on the theme of melancholia, working on a series of paintings called Dans le bois de Watteau (In the Woods of Watteau), Hommage à L. V.D. (Homage to Leonardo da Vinci), and other works that pay homage to classical paintings, which were shown at her first solo exhibition in Tokyo, Melancholia in 2019. Madia’s interests range from literature, theater, mythology and film to Western art history and are reflected in her work. She always uses familiar figures as models, such as her own son, in order to capture an inner world that is invisible to the eye. They are depicted in old costumes, standing still in a world where time seems to have stopped, evoking a sense of nostalgia, as if we were looking at a fragment of memory.



Renaissance Arts Prize – Italian Cultural Institute of London

La Fenice Prize, Venice


British Portrait Award, finalist – National Portrait Gallery, London


Premio Cairo, finalist



Solstice, Anna Madia & Maison Rubus. - Showcase / Spiral, Tokyo, Japan
Ninna Nanna - terrasse gallery, Tokyo


Melancholia - Hikarie 8/Cube, Tokyo, Japan
Peinture - MauMU Galerie d'art, Maumusson-Lagian, France


Your confusion, My illusion – Phantom Projects Contemporary, Troyes, France


Domaine de Tournefou Palis, Aix-Villemaur-Palis, France


Silent Lucidity : Lullabys – Phantom Projects Contemporary, Marigny le Chatel, France
Sleepwalking – CAMAC Centre d'Art, Marnay sur Seine, France
Anna Madia – Maison du Boulanger, Troyes, France


Peau d’âme – Wannabee Gallery, Milan, Italy


Je théatrale, parte prima – Loft Gallery, Corigliano C., Italy
In the maybe world – Galleria 44, Turin, Italy


Il pudore della felicità, Camera Picta – Institut dei ciechi, Sala Barozzi, Milan, Italy
Figure, Personnelle – Galleria Spazioarte, Napoli, Italy
Anna Madia – Galleria d’arte, Radaut, Rumania


Aspetando la donna – Galleria Magenta 52, Milan, Italy



Silencio - Hikarie 8/Cube, Tokyo, Japan


Silencio - Art Fair Plus Ultra 2017, Spiral, Tokyo, Japan


Sii bella e stai zitta – Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica, Rome, Italy
Regards – Maison de la Region, Strasbourg, France
ATLETAS E E CORES – Caixa Cultural, Recife, Brasil


Atomica – Phantom Projects Contemporary, Troyes, France


Essere e Mistero – Palazzo Mediceo di Seravezza, Italy


Ordo Amoris, Hado – Gallerie Rafaella De Chirico, Turin, Italy
Small World – Galerie im Park, Bremen, Germany


Apokalips, collective – Grattacielo Pirelli, Milan
Artotheque éphémère 2012-2014 – ORCCA, France
Black Sea – Gallery at Avalon Island, Orlando, USA


54th Venice Biennale, Padiglione Piemonte, Castglia di Saluzzo, Italy
Dalla cella all’atelier, Collezione Permanente di Arte Contemporanea dell’IGAV
- Istituto Garuzzo per le Arti Visive di Torino, Italy


Il Mito del Vero, Fondazione Durini, Milan, Italy
Authors and artists – Children Museum, San Diego, USA


One-shot show – SDAI San Diego Art Institute, San Diego, USA
Artstas italianos contemporaneos no Brasil – Musee Pierre Chalita, Marceio/AL, Brazil
Mystery portrait – National Portrait Gallery, London


Preview of BP Portrait Award 2007 – National Portrait Gallery, London
Laing Art Gallery Newcastle upon Tyne, National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, The U.K.
Nuovi pittori della realtà – PAC, Pavillon d’ Art Contemporain, Milan, Italy


Album dei ricordi – Galleria Pittura Italiana, Milan, Italy


Attraverso lo specchio – Galleria Magenta 52, Milan, Italy


Cenacolo – Castello di Rivara, Centro d’arte contemporanea, Rivara, Italy